Suraj Giddha June 7,2013
Active Learning Final Blog
This has been a very productive and fun school year so far in Active Learning. At the start of this year I was a good athlete but I had problems with long distance running, exercising at home, and eating healthy. As this year started it was my goal to improve my cardio-vascular system and to start eating healthier. As the school year went on I started to change and slowly and I saw a new and better self arising.
When the school year started I only had one thing on my mind becoming more fit and making the basketball team. I knew that in order to make the basketball team I would have to have a much better endurance/stamina. From the first day of Active learning I have been respectful to everyone, willing to participate in all activities and ready to try my best in every class.

Before I knew it the school year was creeping to the end. By the end of the school year I had learned about pacing and could now do long distance runs. I tried to take a leadership role in my class and help set up and putaway equipment and most importantly I found out a way that I could make exercise fun because I noticed that most teenagers don't want to go home and go for long runs to improve their cardio-vascular system but instead I play sports with my siblings and friends to get my daily exercise done. I have tried eating healthy by eating atleast one fruit a day as my family has a variety of fruits at home I have a lot to chose from and this way I will get my nutritional food everyday. I
have also managed to keep my work organized in a binder so I can
record any improvements or what my goals are.
imporvementin the body bridge, body press and sit and reach levels. I haven't
even forgotten my gymstrip once and very rarily have been absent to class.
This was one of themost improving years for me in Active Learning and I am
looking Forward to next year and still have the urge to improve and do better.