Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Semester 2 Reporting Interm Blog

Suraj G.                                
                                                                       Interm Blog

                       It has been a great second semester so far. I have been attending and bringing my gymstrip to every class. I have seen a great improvement in my fitness. One of my goals this year was to improve my endurance and my beep test scores tell the tale, as I went from 9 to 9.9 to 10.3 and now to 10.8. Since the starting of the Active Learning my T-test score have also improved from 11.5 to 11.3 and now at 11. I have also gotten stronger than before because I at the starting of the year I could only do 30 push ups in a row and now I can do 42. Other than my fitness another thing that I'm really proud of is my participation and the leadership role I've taken in class. For example I always try my best in all the activities we do and engage other people to do the activities honestly. Just recently when we were at the weight room and had the device that counted the amount of steps we took and had the goal to reach 2000 steps I got to 5181 steps without cheating. I even included some of the resistance exercises that don't count as steps and still got a lot of steps in. I try to include other's in activities be passing the ball to them and encouraging them to participate I put a lot of effort in class and even out of class I go to the park to run some laps and play sports. Considering all the reasons given I believe I deserve an A in this class and a G as the work habits