Semester 1 Final Post!
It has been at great year in active learning so far. I have been attending all classes and have never forgot my gym strip once. I have a positive attitude towards active learning and always try to tell others who tend to cheat in fitness to stop because you can never improve if you don't try. One of the things I am very proud of this year is my improvement. For example in the starting of the year my beep test score was 9 then it went to 9.8 and now it is at 10.2. At the starting of the semester I could only do 30 push-ups in a row but now I can do 42 push-ups in a row. One of my goals this year was to have better endurance when doing any physical activity and I feel as if I can run faster now and for a longer time. I have been meeting all my goals and plan on continuing on this path.
As I mentioned before I partiIcipate in all activities including fitness to the best of my ability without cheating because I feel that You can' t improve if you don't try. I try to tell others to not cheat and do the activity to the best of their abilities and on their own pace. I have taken a leadership role and tried to put the equipment away after we are done our activity for example when we were playing
Blind volleyball I helped put all the equipment away.
Another thing that I am really proud of this year is trying to eat healthy. I try to eat healthy and try to prevent myself from eating junk food that could be harmful to me. In my free time I have also been playing basketball to prevent myself from sitting in front of my tv and wasting my time. In the future I plan to continue to continue with my goals and becoming even more physically fit. I think
I deserve an, A this semester for all my achievements and the effort I have put in this semester and all the reasons above. Also I will start getting my digital evidence together soon although it gets hard sometimes because I don't have a device to take videos or pictures.
You are certainly invested in your health and fitness Suraj. It is cool to see someone of your age with so much self-discipline concerning their diet and exercise regime. To have a troubleshooting plan to prevent laziness is something that most adults can't subscribe to. The numbers that you cite certainly tell a story of improving fitness and I hope that this is motivating you in turn to keep positive habits. You are a pleasure to have in class and I thank you for the maturity that you bring.