Active Learning 9: Final Blog
Wow, this has been a great year in Active learning! I am very happy with how I did this year in active learning. In this blog post I will review how I did using the format of the four Pillars: participation, social responsibility and contribution to the class, healthy living and digital portfolio and by using reflective skills. I will walk you through my journey of Active learning 9 and provide evidence in each category.
1) Participation- I believe that participation is a key component in Active Learning. Everyday I saw people complaining and not even participating in activities. I think that people need to just let go of themselves and their phones and just participate without thinking about how they look or what other people are thinking about them. Everyday when I came to class I was mentally and physically prepared for whatever was next. I have never forgotten my gymstrip even once throughout the year and always change into different clothes after we are done. I understand that some people had problems participating because active learning was in the morning but I never let that affect me. I participated in all activities without beiing asked to my fullest. As I mentioned in some other of my blog posts I have tried to engage many people who just stand around and purposely never try. I have forced people to engage in activities by purposely passing the ball to them (basketball, capture the flag, soccer,etc) so they can also participate and contribute to healthy living. Even though I was usually very tired, sore, and sometimes even a little hurt from my Elite MMA program outside of school I chose intense activities to do whenever we has a choice. I always chose activities that I knew I would have fun with and also a good workout. I never just followed my friends if they wanted to do something else I was fine with it but I did what I wanted to do. I tried my best in activities and felt that I was fairly good in all activities. I was fast, strong, and even had good endurance (one of my goals throughout Active Learning.
2) Social Responsibility and Contribution to the Class- This year I was a very responsible and punctual student in Active Learning. I made sure that I was never a bad impact on other and tried to bring positivity to our class. I helped in the organization of activities. Simple things such as bringing the hoops down when we play basketball, holding the door for others when they were taking stuff out of the equipment room and picking equipment off the field when we were done. I tried to take more of a leadership role amongst people and often told them to stop fooling around and listen, told them to help set up activities, etc. Other than that I was very respectful to my classmates and never needed a reminder from the teacher to be on task. As I said before I tried to engage people in activities and helped them achieve their goals. I always stayed honest in competitions or activities and accepted my teams lost or win in a game without hesitation. I never cheated on fitness days by making any excuses and gave it my best everytime.
3) Healthy Living- I believe that healthy living is a very important part of our lives and can sometimes be one of the hardest things to control. Before highschool began I really didn't care about what I ate because I knew I was healthy but in grade 8 I realized that an unhealthy diet can affect you future. So in grade 8 I started to pay more attention to what I am eating and what impact it has on me. I started a system of eating atleast one fruit a day and tried my best to keep it going. In grade 9 I kept that system going and I try to eat as healthy as I can. I try to eat as healthy as I can but I know that it is impossible to always eat healthy so other than active learning I play sports with my siblings, outside of school and go to an Elite MMA gym which provides me with intense training to balance out my diet. Another aspect of healthy living is what extra curricular activities you do to stay fit. I go to a MMA gym which provided me with very intense training and play sports outside of school to provide me some good exercise and fun. For example in my MMA program we run atleast a mile each day (usually more), do from 150-300 pushups/ sittups, learn about technique in fighting and fiinally do sparring (actual contact fighting with equipment). As you can see I am fairly busy outside of school and stay fit. I have met my goals in improving my strength, endurance and cardiovascular system and my future goals are to keep improving on these so when I actually fight someone in the ring I have no problems and am confident with my fitness. And of course one of my main goals is to continue to stay fit, eat healthy and inprove my fitness.
4) Digital Portfolio and Reflective skills- Creating a digital porfolio with digital evidence was a hard part of Active Learning this year because I had no device to take pictures and make videos of me. I had to rely on some of my peers to take pictures and videos of me and they didn't always want to do that, and usually couldn't do it the way I wanted them to. Even though it was hard for me to do this I have tried to provide digital evidence throughout this blog (some photos and videos of myself). Other than that I have done all of my blog postes and my accurate numbers and information on fitness tests and they tell the tale of my improvement. As you have probably seen the quaility of my posts is very good and are thorough. I have made good summaries and have demenstrated my learning the best as I could. Here are some of my fitness test results throughout the year that demenstrate my improvement:
Beep test
11.5 s
11.3 s
11.2 s
Push ups
Sit and Reach
Body Bridge
2 mins
2.3 mins
3 mins
3.2 mins
25 minute Run
7 laps
8 laps

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